A freezing point osmometer is a specialized instrument used to measure the osmolality of a liquid sample. Osmolality refers to the concentration of solute particles in a solution and is an important parameter in various scientific and medical applications. By using the principles of freezing point depression, a freezing point osmometer can accurately determine the osmolality of a solution.

What is osmotic pressure

Osmolality is a measure of the osmotic concentration of a solution and reflects the total number of solute particles in a solution that affect the osmotic pressure. It is expressed as the number of osmotic pressures of solute per kilogram of solvent, usually expressed as Osmol/kg, mOsmol/kg.
When a solute is dissolved into a solution, the solution undergoes the following changes:

  1. Vapour pressure decreases
  2. Boiling point increases
  3. Freezing point decreases
  4. osmotic pressure increases

How does a freezing point osmometer works

A freezing point osmometer is an instrument that measures the osmotic pressure concentration of a solution by determining its freezing point depression. Here is how it works:

  1. Sample Preparation: A small amount of the solution to be measured is placed in the sample chamber of the osmometer.
  2. Sample Cooling: A refrigeration system is usually used to cool the sample chamber. As the temperature drops, the solution begins to freeze.
  3. Freezing point detection: The osmometer continuously monitors the temperature of the solution. When the first ice crystals form, the temperature of the solution will stabilise at a certain point, which is the freezing point of the solution.
  4. Freezing Point Reduction: The presence of solute particles in a solution lowers the freezing point compared to a pure solvent. The degree of freezing point depression is directly related to the concentration of solute in the solution.
  5. Calculation: An osmometer calculates the osmotic concentration from the measured freezing point and compares it to the known freezing point of the pure solvent.

Freezing point depression method

The freezing point depression method is more accurate and reliable than other testing methods. The freezing point osmolality meter is based on the proportional relationship between the freezing point drop of a solution and the molar concentration of the solution, and the total osmolality of the solution is measured according to the Raoul’s freezing point principle.

Application of the Freezing Point Osmometer:

Pharmaceutical industry

New drug research and development, production, and quality testing before leaving the factory will have an osmolality value of the test. Production process development and improvement and finished drug stability testing are also inseparable from the osmolality value of the test. In particular, osmolality testing for injectable drugs is of the utmost importance.

Clinical research and treatment

Osmolality tests measure the concentration of solutes in a wide range of biological samples from serum, plasma, body fluids, urine, tears, etc. Freezing point osmometers can help promptly diagnose and investigate the causes of various diseases while significantly reducing healthcare costs.

Food & Beverage

Quality control and testing of food and beverages requires osmolality testing. For example, screening isotonic beverages and determining their osmolality, control of electrolyte balance in sports drinks, control of osmolality in specialty foods to ensure gastric emptying rate and absorption, low osmolality control in infant formulae, osmolality testing of nutritional solutions, and so on.

Cell culture

Cell freezing, cell bank establishment, and cell culture medium formulation development are also inseparable from the osmotic pressure value of the test.

Ophthalmic drugs

Ophthalmic solutions, lens care solutions and other products need osmolality testing to control the stability of the product, irritation and absorption effect to ensure product quality.


Osmolality testing is required for new product development to assess the absorption of cosmetic ingredients under specific conditions, especially for liquid cosmetics.

Water Quality Testing

The osmolality of water will test aquaculture, water pollution, etc., to assess the degree of water pollution. The osmotic pressure is also used to maintain the life activities of aquatic organisms.


In conclusion, a freezing point osmometer is a valuable tool in the field of science and medicine for accurately measuring the osmolality of liquid samples. By understanding the principles of freezing point depression and the behavior of solute particles in a solution, scientists and medical professionals can obtain crucial information about the composition and properties of various substances. The precise measurement provided by a freezing point osmometer can lead to further insights and advancements in research and clinical practice.