
14 10, 2024

Monophasic vs Biphasic Defibrillator: Learn the Difference

2024-10-25T17:18:52+08:00October 14th|Blog|

Over the years, defibrillation has saved millions of lives. Initially, defibrillation was monophasic, but biphasic defibrillators became the norm as technology evolved. The main purpose of this article is to compare the differences between these devices.Is Monophasic defibrillator better than biphasic? Read on to learn more. Biphasic Defibrillators Display: How to identify monophasic and biphasic defibrillators Based on [...]

12 09, 2024

A Complete Guide of UV Transilluminator

2024-09-12T15:35:49+08:00September 12th|Blog|

What is a laboratory UV transilluminator A UV transilluminator is a standard piece of equipment used to analyse and observe DNA, RNA and proteins. It usually consists of an ultraviolet (UV) or visible (blue or white) light source, a glass viewing surface, and a UV-blocking or amber filter cover. How does a laboratory UV transilluminator work A transilluminator [...]

5 09, 2024

Scitek will Participate Thailand Lab & Bio Asia Pacific Exhibition

2024-09-26T15:24:30+08:00September 5th|Exhibition|

Scitek will participate Thailand Lab & Bio Asia Pacific during Sep.11 to Sep.13,2024. Our people will be there to wait for your visiting. Welcome to book a meeting by leave an message here. Exhibition: Thailand Lab & Bio Asia Pacific Time: Sep.11 to Sep.13,2024 Address: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (88 Bangna-Trad Road (Km.1), Bangna, Bangkok 10260, [...]

3 09, 2024

An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

2024-09-03T10:11:12+08:00September 3rd|Blog|

Fluorescence spectroscopy is a research method for analysing substances based on studying the fluorescence properties of a sample for the quantitative measurement of chemical products. What is fluorescence? Fluorescence is a type of luminescence caused by the excitation of a molecule by a photon, which puts it in an electronically excited state. Fluorescence spectroscopy uses a beam of [...]

16 08, 2024

Freezing Point Osmometer: A Comprehensive Analysis of Principles and Applications

2024-08-16T14:15:39+08:00August 16th|News, Blog|

A freezing point osmometer is a specialized instrument used to measure the osmolality of a liquid sample. Osmolality refers to the concentration of solute particles in a solution and is an important parameter in various scientific and medical applications. By using the principles of freezing point depression, a freezing point osmometer can accurately determine the osmolality of a [...]

14 08, 2024

How does a Spectrophotometer Work

2024-08-14T10:51:28+08:00August 14th|News|

A spectrophotometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the intensity of light at different wavelengths. The instrument is commonly used in fields such as chemistry, biochemistry and environmental science. It can analyse the concentration of a substance in a sample based on its absorbance or transmittance. But how does a spectrophotometer work? What is a visible spectrophotometer? [...]

11 07, 2024

Why Your Laboratory Needs a Liquid Nitrogen Tank

2024-07-11T10:38:35+08:00July 11th|Blog|

A high-quality liquid nitrogen tank is essential if you're looking for an efficient and reliable way to store and use liquid nitrogen in your lab. Whether used for cryopreservation or sample cooling, these tanks play an important role in scientific and industrial applications. In this blog, we'll detail the benefits, key features, and safety tips for using liquid [...]

5 07, 2024

Difference between Class B and Class N Autoclave

2024-07-05T10:26:25+08:00July 5th|Blog|

Difference between Class B and Class N autoclave? Autoclaves, also known as steam sterilisers, play an essential role in the sterilisation of instruments. There are many types of steriliser, with Class B and Class N being the two most commonly used. In this article from Scitek, we will provide you with a simple and clear explanation of the [...]



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